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Solving the n-player Tullock contest. (Link to WP) |
An equilibrium analysis of the Arad-Rubinstein game (with Stanisław Kaźmierowski), Journal of Economic Behavior and Organization, accepted. (Link to WP) |
Finite Approximations of the Sion-Wolfe Game (with Leopold Aspect). (Link to WP) |
A typology of military conflict based on the Hirshleifer contest. (Link to WP) |
Voluntary Disclosure in Asymmetric Contests (with Julia Lareida), Review of Economic Studies, accepted. (Link to WP) |
Rules in International Tennis Tournaments: A Game Theoretic Perspective (with Nathan Eugster), Journal of Sports and Games 6, 2024, 33-42. |
On the (Im-)Possibility of Representing Probability Distributions as a Difference of I.I.D. Noise Terms (with Marco Serena), Mathematics of Operations Research, Epub ahead of print, 2024 |
A game-theoretic implication of the Riemann hypothesis, Mathematical Social Sciences 128, 2024, 52-59. |
The n-player Hirshleifer contest (with Guang-Zhen Sun), Games and Economic Behavior 143, 2024, 300-320. |
Imposing choice on the uninformed: the case of dynamic currency conversion (with Sheng Li), Journal of Banking and Finance 154, 2023, 106917. |
A "fractal" solution to the chopstick auction, Economic Theory 74, 2023, 1025-1041. |
Corrigendum to "On the existence of pure and mixed strategy Nash equilibrium in discontinuous games(with Philip J Reny), Econometrica, Epub ahead of print, 2022. |
A class of N-player Colonel Blotto games with multidimensional private information (with Dan Kovenock), Operations Research Letters 49, 2021, 418-425. |
Finite blockchain games, Economics Letters 197, 2020, 109614. |
Fictitious Play in Networks (with Kremena Valkanova), Games and Economic Behavior 123, 2020, 182-206. |
Unique equilibrium in contests with incomplete information (with Federico Quartieri), Economic Theory 70, 2020, 243-271. |
Ordinal potentials in smooth games, Economic Theory 70, 2020, 1069-1100. |
Equilibrium in the symmetric two-player Hirshleifer contest: Uniqueness and characterization (with Guan-Zhen Sun), Economics Letters 169, 2018, 51-54. |
Revenue Ranking of Optimally Biased Contests: The Case of Two Players, Economics Letters 157, 2017, 167-170. Online Appendix (PDF, 47 KB) (March 22, 2017). |
Contests with Small Noise and the Robustness of the All-Pay Auction, Games and Economic Behavior 105, 2017, 195-211. |
The Lottery Contest Is a Best-Response Potential Game, Economics Letters 155, 2017, 168-171. |
An Envelope Approach to Tournament Design, Journal of Mathematical Economics 63, 2016, 1-9. |
Mixed Equilibrium in a Pure Location Game: The Case of n≥4 Firms, B.E. Journal of Theoretical Economics 15, 2015, 457-472. |
Mixed Equilibria in Tullock contests, Economic Theory 60, 2015, 59-71. |
Unique Equilibrium in Rent-Seeking Contests with a Continuum of Types, Economics Letters 125, 2014, 115-118. |
Cournot Games with Biconcave Demand, Games and Economic Behavior 85, 2014, 37-47. |
Regular Type Distributions in Mechanism Design and ρ-Concavity, Economic Theory 53, 2013, 591-603. |
Overbidding in Fixed Rate Tenders: the Role of Exposure Risk (with Nuno Cassola and Natacha Valla), Journal of Banking and Finance 36, 2012, 539-549. |
Declining Valuations and Equilibrium Bidding in Central Bank Refinancing Operations (with Nuno Cassola and Natacha Valla), International Journal of Industrial Organization 28, 2010, 30-43. |
Monotone Comparative Statics with Separable Objective Functions, Economics Bulletin 30, 2010, 2259-2269. |
Optimal Allotment Policy in Central Bank Open Market Operations (with Nuno Cassola, Steen Ejerskov, and Natacha Valla), European Journal of Finance 15, 2009, 405-420. |
Manipulation in Money Markets (with Nuno Cassola, Steen Ejerskov, and Natacha Valla), International Journal of Central Banking 3, special issue, 2007, 113-148. |
The Effect of Sunk Costs on the Outcome of Alternating-Offers Bargaining between Inequity-Averse Agents, Schmalenbach Business Review 58, special issue, 2006, 184-203. |
The Pure Theory of Multilateral Obligations: Comment, Journal of Institutional and Theoretical Economics 161, 2005, 259-263. |
Procurement Auctions and Unit Price Contracts (PDF, 130 KB) (with Karsten Fieseler), Rand Journal of Economics 34, 2003, 568-580. |
A Short and Intuitive Proof of Marshall’s Rule (PDF, 291 KB), Economic Theory 22, 2003, 415-418. |
Iterated Dominance in Strictly Competitive Games of Perfect Information (PDF, 633 KB), Journal of Economic Theory 107, 2002, 474-482. |
Backward Induction and the Game-Theoretic Analysis of Chess, Games and Economic Behavior 39, 2002, 206-214. |
The German UMTS Design: Insights from Multi-Object Auction Theory (with Benny Moldovanu), ifo-Studien 48, 2002, 157-174, appeared also in: Illing, G. (ed.), Spectrum Auctions and Competition in Telecommunications, MIT Press, 2004. |
Comments on: 'The Dutch UMTS Auction,' by Eric van Damme ifo-Studien 48, 2002, 201-203, appeared also in: Illing, G. (ed.), Spectrum Auctions and Competition in Telecommunications, MIT Press, 2004. |
Chess-like Games are Dominance Solvable in at Most Two Steps (PDF, 86 KB), Games and Economic Behavior 33, 2000, 41-47. |
'Yes Men,' Integrity, and the Optimal Design of Incentive Contracts (PDF, 176 KB) (with Patrick Schmitz), Journal of Economic Behavior and Organization 43, 2000, 115-125. |
Ex Post Liability for Harm vs. Ex Ante Safety Regulation: Substitutes or Compliments? Comment (with Patrick Schmitz), American Economic Review 88, 1998, 1027. |
Rationality and the Definition of Consistent Pairs, International Journal of Game Theory 27, 1998, 49-60. |
Bayesian Optimization and Genericity, Operations Research Letters 21, 1997, 243-248. |
Enabling Goal-Directed Planning and Control: Experiences with the Implementation of Value Management in an Internationally Operating Stock Exchange (PDF, 49 KB), Zeitschrift für Controlling, July 2002, 23-27. |
Incomplete Contracts and the Boundaries of the Firm (with Patrick Schmitz), Das Wirtschaftsstudium 27, 1998, 880-882. |
The Lock-in-Effect and the Hold-up-Problem (with Patrick Schmitz), Wirtschaftswissenschaftliches Studium 26, 1997, 360-362. |
Selected Applications of the Theory of Incomplete Contracts (with Patrick Schmitz), Jahrbuch für Wirtschaftswissenschaften 48, 1997, 57-69. |
The Theoretical Foundation of Incomplete Contracts (with Patrick Schmitz), Homo Oeconomicus, XIII, 1996, 501-514. |
Liquidité des Marchés Financiers et Prêteur en Dernier Ressort (with Natacha Valla), Revue de la stabilité financière, Banque de France, 2008, Février, 145-160. |
See full list of ECB Working Papers here