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Department of Economics

Research / Publications

1) Recent Papers

Solving the n-player Tullock contest. (Link to WP)
An equilibrium analysis of the Arad-Rubinstein game (with Stanisław Kaźmierowski), Journal of Economic Behavior and Organization, accepted. (Link to WP)
Finite Approximations of the Sion-Wolfe Game (with Leopold Aspect). (Link to WP)
A typology of military conflict based on the Hirshleifer contest. (Link to WP)
Voluntary Disclosure in Asymmetric Contests (with Julia Lareida), Review of Economic Studies, accepted. (Link to WP)

2) Journal Articles

Rules in International Tennis Tournaments: A Game Theoretic Perspective (with Nathan Eugster), Journal of Sports and Games 6, 2024, 33-42.
On the (Im-)Possibility of Representing Probability Distributions as a Difference of I.I.D. Noise Terms (with Marco Serena), Mathematics of Operations Research, Epub ahead of print, 2024
A game-theoretic implication of the Riemann hypothesis, Mathematical Social Sciences 128, 2024, 52-59.
The n-player Hirshleifer contest (with Guang-Zhen Sun), Games and Economic Behavior 143, 2024, 300-320.
Imposing choice on the uninformed: the case of dynamic currency conversion (with Sheng Li), Journal of Banking and Finance 154, 2023, 106917.
A "fractal" solution to the chopstick auction, Economic Theory 74, 2023, 1025-1041.
Corrigendum to "On the existence of pure and mixed strategy Nash equilibrium in discontinuous games(with Philip J Reny), Econometrica, Epub ahead of print, 2022.
A class of N-player Colonel Blotto games with multidimensional private information (with Dan Kovenock), Operations Research Letters 49, 2021, 418-425.
Finite blockchain games, Economics Letters 197, 2020, 109614.
Fictitious Play in Networks (with Kremena Valkanova), Games and Economic Behavior 123, 2020, 182-206.
Unique equilibrium in contests with incomplete information (with Federico Quartieri), Economic Theory 70, 2020, 243-271.
Ordinal potentials in smooth games, Economic Theory 70, 2020, 1069-1100.
Equilibrium in the symmetric two-player Hirshleifer contest: Uniqueness and characterization (with Guan-Zhen Sun), Economics Letters 169, 2018, 51-54.

Revenue Ranking of Optimally Biased Contests: The Case of Two Players, Economics Letters 157, 2017, 167-170.

Online Appendix (PDF, 47 KB) (March 22, 2017).

Contests with Small Noise and the Robustness of the All-Pay Auction, Games and Economic Behavior 105, 2017, 195-211.
The Lottery Contest Is a Best-Response Potential Game, Economics Letters 155, 2017, 168-171.
An Envelope Approach to Tournament Design, Journal of Mathematical Economics 63, 2016, 1-9.
Mixed Equilibrium in a Pure Location Game: The Case of n≥4 Firms, B.E. Journal of Theoretical Economics 15, 2015, 457-472.
Mixed Equilibria in Tullock contests, Economic Theory 60, 2015, 59-71.
Unique Equilibrium in Rent-Seeking Contests with a Continuum of Types, Economics Letters 125, 2014, 115-118.
Cournot Games with Biconcave Demand, Games and Economic Behavior 85, 2014, 37-47.
Regular Type Distributions in Mechanism Design and ρ-Concavity, Economic Theory 53, 2013, 591-603.
Overbidding in Fixed Rate Tenders: the Role of Exposure Risk (with Nuno Cassola and Natacha Valla), Journal of Banking and Finance 36, 2012, 539-549.
Declining Valuations and Equilibrium Bidding in Central Bank Refinancing Operations (with Nuno Cassola and Natacha Valla), International Journal of Industrial Organization 28, 2010, 30-43.
Monotone Comparative Statics with Separable Objective Functions, Economics Bulletin 30, 2010, 2259-2269.
Optimal Allotment Policy in Central Bank Open Market Operations (with Nuno Cassola, Steen Ejerskov, and Natacha Valla), European Journal of Finance 15, 2009, 405-420.
Manipulation in Money Markets (with Nuno Cassola, Steen Ejerskov, and Natacha Valla), International Journal of Central Banking 3, special issue, 2007, 113-148.
The Effect of Sunk Costs on the Outcome of Alternating-Offers Bargaining between Inequity-Averse Agents, Schmalenbach Business Review 58, special issue, 2006, 184-203.
The Pure Theory of Multilateral Obligations: Comment, Journal of Institutional and Theoretical Economics 161, 2005, 259-263.
Procurement Auctions and Unit Price Contracts (PDF, 130 KB) (with Karsten Fieseler), Rand Journal of Economics 34, 2003, 568-580.
A Short and Intuitive Proof of Marshall’s Rule (PDF, 291 KB), Economic Theory 22, 2003, 415-418.
Iterated Dominance in Strictly Competitive Games of Perfect Information (PDF, 633 KB), Journal of Economic Theory 107, 2002, 474-482.
Backward Induction and the Game-Theoretic Analysis of Chess, Games and Economic Behavior 39, 2002, 206-214.
The German UMTS Design: Insights from Multi-Object Auction Theory (with Benny Moldovanu), ifo-Studien 48, 2002, 157-174, appeared also in: Illing, G. (ed.), Spectrum Auctions and Competition in Telecommunications, MIT Press, 2004.
Comments on: 'The Dutch UMTS Auction,' by Eric van Damme ifo-Studien 48, 2002, 201-203, appeared also in: Illing, G. (ed.), Spectrum Auctions and Competition in Telecommunications, MIT Press, 2004.
Chess-like Games are Dominance Solvable in at Most Two Steps (PDF, 86 KB), Games and Economic Behavior 33, 2000, 41-47.
'Yes Men,' Integrity, and the Optimal Design of Incentive Contracts (PDF, 176 KB) (with Patrick Schmitz), Journal of Economic Behavior and Organization 43, 2000, 115-125.
Ex Post Liability for Harm vs. Ex Ante Safety Regulation: Substitutes or Compliments? Comment (with Patrick Schmitz), American Economic Review 88, 1998, 1027.
Rationality and the Definition of Consistent Pairs, International Journal of Game Theory 27, 1998, 49-60.
Bayesian Optimization and Genericity, Operations Research Letters 21, 1997, 243-248.

3) Publications in German

Enabling Goal-Directed Planning and Control: Experiences with the Implementation of Value Management in an Internationally Operating Stock Exchange (PDF, 49 KB), Zeitschrift für Controlling, July 2002, 23-27.
Incomplete Contracts and the Boundaries of the Firm (with Patrick Schmitz), Das Wirtschaftsstudium 27, 1998, 880-882.
The Lock-in-Effect and the Hold-up-Problem (with Patrick Schmitz), Wirtschaftswissenschaftliches Studium 26, 1997, 360-362.
Selected Applications of the Theory of Incomplete Contracts (with Patrick Schmitz), Jahrbuch für Wirtschaftswissenschaften 48, 1997, 57-69.
The Theoretical Foundation of Incomplete Contracts (with Patrick Schmitz), Homo Oeconomicus, XIII, 1996, 501-514.

4) Publications in French

Liquidité des Marchés Financiers et Prêteur en Dernier Ressort (with Natacha Valla), Revue de la stabilité financière, Banque de France, 2008, Février, 145-160.

5) ECB Working Papers

See full list of ECB Working Papers here

6) Working Papers

ZORA Publication List


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