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Sophia Ding |
A Panel Data Approach for Spatial and Network Selection Models (with Peter H. Egger), Poster (PDF, 356 KB), Paper (PDF, 661 KB) |
Katharina Erhardt |
Empirical Productivity Distributions and International Trade (with Sergey Nigai and Peter Egger) |
Sandro Favre |
One Labor Market, Two Currencies: Evidence from the French-Swiss Border Region (with Francis Kramarz and Josef Zweimüller), Poster (PDF, 546 KB) |
Adrian Jäggi |
Inequality and Growth through Creative Destruction (with Ulrich Schetter and Maik T. Schneider), Poster (PDF, 618 KB) |
Christian Kiedaisch |
The saturation of spending diversity and the truth about Mr Brown and Mrs Jones (with Andreas Chai and Nicholas Rohde), Poster (PDF, 2 MB), Paper (PDF, 1 MB) |
Stephan Legge |
Does a Free Trade Agreement Lead to More Trade? (with Patrick Ziltener) |
Lei Li |
Skill-biased Imports, Human Capital Accumulation and the Allocation of Talents, Poster (PDF, 344 KB) |
Piotr Lukaszuk |
Sanction evasion: The case of recent Russian-Western sanctions, Poster (PDF, 242 KB) |
Tobias Renkin | Export Prices and Markups after a Large Appreciation |