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Department of Economics

Poster Session

Program of Poster Session

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Poster presentations

Sophia Ding

A Panel Data Approach for Spatial and Network Selection Models (with Peter H. Egger), Poster (PDF, 356 KB), Paper (PDF, 661 KB)

Katharina Erhardt

Empirical Productivity Distributions and International Trade (with Sergey Nigai and Peter Egger)

Sandro Favre

One Labor Market, Two Currencies: Evidence from the French-Swiss Border Region (with Francis Kramarz and Josef Zweimüller), Poster (PDF, 546 KB)

Adrian Jäggi

Inequality and Growth through Creative Destruction (with Ulrich Schetter and Maik T. Schneider), Poster (PDF, 618 KB)

Christian Kiedaisch

The saturation of spending diversity and the truth about Mr Brown and Mrs Jones (with Andreas Chai and Nicholas Rohde), Poster (PDF, 2 MB), Paper (PDF, 1 MB)

Stephan Legge

Does a Free Trade Agreement Lead to More Trade? (with Patrick Ziltener)

Lei Li

Skill-biased Imports, Human Capital Accumulation and the Allocation of Talents, Poster (PDF, 344 KB)

Piotr Lukaszuk

Sanction evasion: The case of recent Russian-Western sanctions, Poster (PDF, 242 KB)

Tobias Renkin Export Prices and Markups after a Large Appreciation