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Department of Economics

Zoltan Nagy

Our entry to the Brain Art Competition at the Human Brain Mapping conference in Vancouver, Canada in 2018. In this video we made a 3D model of a human brain from magnetic resonance imaging (MRI) data of a healthy female volunteer. The different anatomical parts were textured independently and then animated to music in a video compositing/rendering program. 

PhD Student

Tim Schmidt: Laboratory for Social and Neural Systems Research

Former Lab Members

Yoojin Lee – PhD student, now working for Philips Medical
Michael Kennedy - Industrial Designer

Selected Key Publications

a) Yoojin Lee, Martina F. Callaghan Julio Acosta-Cabronero, Atnoine Lutti and Zoltan Nagy (Editor’s Pick of the January 2019 issue of MRM)
Establishing Intra- and Inter-vendor Reproducibility of T1 Relaxation Time Measurements with 3T MRI
Magnetic Resonance in Medicine (January 2019) Vol. 81:p454-465 doi: 10.1002/mrm.27421

b) Zoltan Nagy, Daniel Alexander, David Thomas, Nikolaus Weiskopf and Martin Sereno
Using High Angular Resolution Diffusion Imaging Data to Discriminate Cortical Regions
PLOS 1 (2013 May) Vol. 8(5):e63842 Link

c) Zoltan Nagy and Nikolaus Weiskopf
Efficient Fat Suppression by Slice–Selection Gradient Reversal in Twice–Refocused Diffusion Encoding
Magnetic Resonance in Medicine (2008 November) Vol. 60:p1256–1260 Link

d) Sara Bengtsson, Zoltan Nagy, Stefan Skare, Lea Forssman, Hans Forssberg and Fredrik Ullén
Extensive Piano Practicing Has Regionally Specific Effects On White Matter Development
Nature Neuroscience (2005 September) Vol. 8(9):p1148–50 Link

e) Stephen Fleming, Rimona Weil, Zoltan Nagy, Raymond Dolan and Geraint Rees
Relating Introspective Accuracy to Individual Differences in Brain Structure
Science (2010 September) Vol. 329:p1541–1543 Link

f) Zoltan Nagy, Hugo Lagercrantz and Chloe Hutton
Effects of Preterm Birth on Cortical Thickness Measured in Adolescence
Cerebral Cortex (2011 February) Vol. 21:p300–306 Link

Full Publication List

55) Tim Schmidt and Zoltan Nagy 
Custom Integration of a Magnetic Field Monitoring System into a 32ch MRI Head Coil 
Magnetic Resonance in Medicine [Accepted for publication]

54) Tim Schmidt and Zoltan Nagy 
SAD: Semi-supervised Automatic Detection of BOLD Activations in High Temporal Resolution fMRI Data 
MAGMA, Magnetic Resonance Materials in Physics, Biology and Medicine [Accepted for publication]

53) Jae-Chang Kim, Lydia Hellrung, Marcus Grueschow, Stephan Nebe, Zoltan Nagy and Philippe Tobler
Neural Representation of Valenced and Generic Probability and Uncertaingy  
Journal of Neuroscience [July 2024] Vol.44(30):p1-16 Link  

52) Michael Woletz, Franziska Chalupa-Gantner, Benedikt Hager, Alexander Ricke, Siawoosh Mohammadi, Stefan Binder, Stefan Baudis, Aleksandr Ovsianikov, Christian Windischberger and Zoltan Nagy 
Toward Printing the Brain: a microstructural ground truth phantom for MRI
Advanced Materials Technologies [February 2024] Vol. 9:p1-9 Link

51) Tim Schmidt and Zoltan Nagy 
A Temporal Instability Measure for fMRI Quality Assurance  
Journal of Magnetic Resonance Imaging [January 2024] Vol.59(1):p325-336 Link

50) Tim Schmidt, S. Johanna Vannesjö, Stefan Sommer and Zoltan Nagy 
fMRI with Whole-brain Coverage, 75-ms Temporal Resolution and High SNR by Combining HiHi Reshuffling and Multiband Imaging  
Magnetic Resonance Imaging [November 2023] Vol.103:p48-53 Link

49) Zoltan Nagy, Chloe Hutton, Gergely David, Natalie Hinter, Ralf Deichmann, Nikolaus Weiskopf and Johanna Vannesjö 
HiHi fMRI: a Data-reordering Method for Measuring the Hemodynamic Response of the Brain with High Temporal Resolution and High SNR  
Cerebral Cortex [April 2023] Vol.33:p4606-4611 Link

48) Susanna Gobbi, Yoojin Lee, István Homolya, Philippe Tobler, Todd Hare and Zoltan Nagy 
On the Reproducibility of In vivo Temporal Signal-to-Noise Ratio and Its Utility as a Predictor of Subject-level t-value in an fMRI Study  
International Journal of Imaging Systems and Technology [December 2021] Vol.31:p1849-1860 Link

47) Michiel Cottaar, Wenchuan Wu, Benjamin Tendler, Zoltan Nagy, Karla Miller and Saad Jbabi 
Quantifying Myelin in Crossing Fibres Using Diffusion-Prepared Phase Imaging (DIPPI): Theory & Simulations  
Magnetic Resonance in Medicine [November 2021] Vol.86(5):p2618-2634 Link

46) Virág Darányi, Petra Hermann, István Homolya, Zoltán Vidnyánszky and Zoltan Nagy 
An Empirical Investigation of the Benefit of Increasing the Temporal Resolution of Task-evoked fMRI data with Multi-band Imaging  
Accepted for publication in Magnetic Resonance Materials in Physics, Biology and Medicine  Link

45) Tara Ganepola, Yoojin Lee, Martin I. Sereno, Daniel C. Alexander and Zoltan Nagy 
Multiple b-values Improve Discrimination of Cortical Gray Matter Regions Using Diffusion MRI: an experimental validation with a data-driven approach 
Accepted for publication in Magnetic Resonance Materials in Physics, Biology and Medicine  Link

44) Yoojin Lee, Bertram J. Wilm, David O. Brunner, Simon Gross, Thomas Schmid, Zoltan Nagy and Klaas Pruessmann
On the SNR Benefit of Spiral Acquisition in Diffusion MRI
Magnetic Resonance in Medicine (April 2021) Vol. 85(4):1924-1937 Link

43) Andrea Oliviana Diaconescu, Madeline Stecy, Lars Kasper, Christopher J. Burke, Zoltan Nagy, Christoph Mathys and Philippe N. Tobler
Neural Arbitration between Social and Individual Learning Systems
eLife (August 2020) Vol. 9:e54051 Link

42) Yoojin Lee, Martina F. Callaghan and Zoltan Nagy
A Comprehensive Approach for Correcting Voxel-wise b-value Errors in Diffusion-Weighted Imaging
Magnetic Resonance in Medicine (June 2020) Vol. 83:p2173-2184 doi: 10.1002/mrm.28078 Link

41) Yoojin Lee, Martina F. Callaghan and Zoltan Nagy
Establishing Intra- and Inter-vendor Reproducibility of T1Relaxation Time Measurements with 3T MRI
Magnetic Resonance in Medicine (August 2018) doi:10.1002/mrm.27421 Link

40) Tharindu Ganepola, Zoltan Nagy, Aurobrata Ghosh, Theodore Papadopoulo, Daniel C. Alexander and Martin I. Sereno
Using Diffusion MRI to Discriminate Areas of Cortical Grey Matter 
Neuroimage (December 2017) doi: 10.1016/j.neuroimage.2017.12.046 Link

39) Michael Kennedy, Yoojin Lee and Zoltan Nagy
An Industrial Design Solution for Integrating NMR magnetic Field Sensors Into an MRI Scanner 
Magnetic Resonance in Medicine (August 2018) Vol. 80(2):833-839doi: 10.1002/mrm.27055 Link

38) Brigitte Vollmer, Aiko Lundequist, Gustaf Mårtensson, Zoltan Nagy, Hugo Lagercrantz, Ann-Charlotte Smedler, Hans Forssberg
Correlation between white matter microstructure and executive functions suggests early developmental influence on long fibre tracts in preterm born adolescents 
PLOS 1 (June 2017) Vol.12(6):e0178893doi: 10.1371/journal.pone.0178893 Link

37) Yoojin Lee, Martina F. Callaghan and Zoltan Nagy
Analysis of the Precision of Variable Flip Angle T1 Mapping with Emphasis on the Noise Propagated from RF Transmit Field Maps
Frontiers in Neuroscience (January 2017) doi: 10.3389/fnins.2017.00015 Link

36) Zoltan Nagy, Aaron Oliver-Taylor, Andre Kuehne, Sigrun Galuch and Nikolaus Weiskopf
Tx/Rx Head Coil Induces Less RF Transmit-Related Heating than Body Coil in Conductive Metallic Objects Outside the Active Area of the Head Coil
Frontiers in Neuroscience (January 2017) Link

35) Adam Kettinger, Christopher Hill, Zoltán Vidnyánszky, Christian Windischberger and Zoltan Nagy
Investigating the Group-Level Impact of Advanced Dual-Echo fMRI Combinations
Frontiers in Neuroscience (December 2016) Link

34) Adrienne Campbell, David Atkinson, Zoltan Nagy, Rachel W. Chan, Oliver Josephs, Mark Lythgo, Roger Ordidge and David L. Thomas
Using the Robust Principal Component Analysis Algorithm to Remove RF Spike Artifacts from MR Images
Magnetic Resonance in Medicine (June 2016) Vol. 75(6):p2517-2525  Link

33) Patrick Freund, Karl Friston, Alen Thompson, Klaas E. Stephan, John Ashburner, Dominik Bach, Zoltan Nagy, Gunther Helms, Bogdan Draganski, Siawoosh Mohammadi, Martin Schwab, Armin Curt and Nikolaus Weiskopf
Embodied Neurology: An integrative framework for neurological disorders
Brain (June 2016) Vol. 139(6):p1855-1861 Link

32) Jonathan Clayden, Zoltan Nagy*, Nikolaus Weiskopf, Daniel Alexander and Chris Clark
*Shared first authorship
Microstructural Parameter Estimation in vivo Using Diffusion MRI and Structured Prior Information
Magnetic Resonance in Medicine (April 2016) Vol. 75(4):p1787–1796 Link

31) Sunbin Song, Lúcia Garrido, Zoltan Nagy, Siawoosh Mohammadi, Adam Steel, Jon Driver, Ray J. Dolan, Bradley Duchaine and Nicholas Furl
Local but Not Long–Range Microstructural Differences of the Ventral Temporal Cortex in Developmental Prosopagnosia
Neuropsychologia (November 2015) Vol. 78:p195–206 Link

30) Bertram Wilm, Zoltan Nagy, Christoph Barmet, Johanna Vannesjo, Lars Kasper, Max Haeberlin, Simon Gross, Benjamin Dietrich, David Brunner, Thomas Schmid and Klaas Pruessmann
Diffusion MRI with Concurrent Magnetic Field Monitoring
Magnetic Resonance in Medicine [October 2015] Vol. 74:p925–933 Link

29) Christian Lambert, Ludvic Zrinzo, Zoltan Nagy, Antoine Lutti, Marwan Hariz, Thomas Foltynie, Bogdan Draganski, John Ashburner and Richard Frackowiak
Do We Need to Revise the Tripartite Subdivision Hypothesis of the Human Subthalamic Nucleus (STN)? Response to Alkemade and Forstmann
Neuroimage (April 2015) Vol. 110:p1-2 Link

28) Carlton Chu, Hugo Lagercrantz, Hans Forssberg and Zoltan Nagy
Investigating the Use of Support Vector Machine Classification on Structural Brain Images of Preterm–Born Teenagers as a Biological Marker           
PLOS 1 (April 2015) Vol. 10(4):e0123108 Link

27) Zoltan Nagy, David Thomas and Nikolaus Weiskopf
Orthogonalizing crusher and diffusion–encoding gradients to suppress undesired echo pathways in the twice–refocused spin echo diffusion sequence
Magnetic Resonance in Medicine (February 2014) Vol. 71:p506–515 Link

26) Zoltan Nagy, Daniel Alexander, David Thomas, Nikolaus Weiskopf and Martin Sereno
Using High Angular Resolution Diffusion Imaging Data to Discriminate Cortical Regions
PLOS 1 (May 2013) Vol. 8(5):e63842 Link

25) Lajos Kozák, Szabolcs Dávid, Gábor Rudas, Zoltán Vidnyánszky, Alex Leemans and Zoltan Nagy
Investigating the need of triggering the acquisition for infant diffusion MRI: a quantitative study including bootstrap statistics 
Neuroimage (April 2013) Vol. 69:p198–205 Link

24) Siawoosh Mohammadi, Chloe Hutton, Zoltan Nagy, Oliver Josephs and Nikolaus Weiskopf
Retrospective correction of physiological noise in DTI using an extended tensor model and peripheral measurements
Magnetic Resonance in Medicine (August 2013) Vol. 70(2):p358–369 Link

23) Patrick Freund, Torben Schneider, Zoltan Nagy, Chloe Hutton, Nikolaus Weiskopf, Karl Friston, Claudia Wheeler–Kingshott and Alan Thompson
Degeneration of the injured cervical cord is associated with remote changes in corticospinal tract integrity and upper limb impairment         
PLOS 1 (December 2012) Vol. 7(12) e51729 Link

22) Siawoosh Mohammadi, Zoltan Nagy, Chloe Hutton, Oliver Josephs and Nikolaus Weiskopf
Correction of vibration artifacts in DTI using phase–encoding reversal (COVIPER) 
Magnetic Resonance in Medicine (September 2012) Vol. 68(3):p882–889 Link

21) Patrick Freund, Claudia Wheeler–Kingshott, Zoltan Nagy, Nikos Gorgoraptis, Nikolaus Weiskopf, Karl Friston, Alan Thompson and Chloe Hutton
Axonal Integrity Predicts Cortical Reorganization Following Cervical Injury
Journal of Neurology, Neurosurgery and Psychiatry (June 2012) Vol. 83(6):p629–637 Link

20) Siawoosh Mohammadi, Zoltan Nagy, Herald Möller, Mark Symms, David Carmichael, Oliver Josephs and Nikolaus Weiskopf
The Effect of Local Perturbation Fields on Human DTI: Characterisation, measurement and correction                           
Neuroimage (March 2012) Vol. 60:p562–570 Link 

19) Christian Lambert, Ludvic Zrinzo, Zoltan Nagy, Antoine Lutti, Marwan Hariz, Thomas Foltynie, Bogdan Draganski, John Ashburner and Richard Frackowiak
Confirmation of Functional Zones Within the Human Subthalamic Nucleus: Patterns of connectivity and sub–parcellation using diffusion weighted imaging
Neuroimage (March 2012) Vol. 60:p83–94 Link 

18) Zoltan Nagy, Hugo Lagercrantz and Chloe Hutton
Effects of Preterm Birth on Cortical Thickness Measured in Adolescence
Cerebral Cortex (February 2011) Vol. 21:p300–306 Link

17) Stephen Fleming, Rimona Weil, Zoltan Nagy, Raymond Dolan and Geraint Rees
Relating Introspective Accuracy to Individual Differences in Brain Structure
Science (September 2010) Vol. 329:p1541–1543 Link

16) Beatrice Skjöld, Sandra Horsch, Boubou Hallberg, Mathias Engström, Zoltan Nagy, Mikael Mosskin, Mats Blennow and Ulrika Åden
White Matter Changes In Extremely Preterm Infants, A Population–Based Diffusion Tensor Imaging Study
Acta Paediatrica (June 2010) Vol. 99(6)p842–849 Link

15) Lajos Kozák, Márta Bangó, Miklós Szabó, Gábor Rudas, Zoltán Vidnyánszky and Zoltan Nagy
Using Diffusion MRI for Measuring the Temperature of Cerebrospinal Fluid within the Lateral Ventricles
Acta Paediatrica (February 2010) Vol. 99(2):p237–243 Link

14) Zoltan Nagy, John Ashburner, Jesper Andersson, Saad Jbabdi, Bogdan Draganski, Stefan Skare, Birgitta Böhm, Ann–Charlotte Smedler, Hans Forssberg and Hugo Lagercrantz
Structural Correlates of Preterm Birth in the Adolescent Brain
Pediatrics (November 2009) Vol. 124(5)e964–972  Link

13) Zoltan Nagy and Baldvin Jónsson
Cerebral MRI Findings in a Cohort of Ex–Preterm and Control Adolescents
Acta Paediatrica (May 2009) Vol. 98(6):p996–1001 Link

12) Zoltan Nagy and Nikolaus Weiskopf
Efficient Fat Suppression by Slice–Selection Gradient Reversal in Twice–Refocused Diffusion Encoding
Magnetic Resonance in Medicine (November 2008) Vol. 60:p1256–1260 Link

11) Anna–Karin Edstedt–Bonamy, Johan Bengtsson, Zoltan Nagy, Hans de Keyzer and Mikael Norman
Preterm Birth and Maternal Smoking in Pregnancy Are Strong Risk Factors for Aortic Narrowing in Adolescence
Acta Paediatrica (August 2008) Vol. 97:p1080–1085 Link

10) Monica Gimenez, Maria Miranda, Peter Born, Zoltan Nagy, Egill Rostrup and Terry Jernigan
Accelerated Cerebral White Matter Development in Preterm Infants: A Voxel–Based Morphometric Study with Diffusion Tensor MR Imaging  
Neuroimage (July 2008) Vol. 41(3):p728–734 Link

09) Stefan Klöppel, Bogdan Draganski, Charlotte Golding, Carlton Chu, Zoltan Nagy, Philip Cook, Stephen Hicks, Christopher Kennard, Daniel Alexander, Geoff Parker, Sara Tabrizi and Richard Frackowiak
White Matter Connections Reflect Changes in Voluntary–Guided Saccades in Pre–symptomatic Huntington’s Disease
Brain (January 2008) Vol. 131:p196–204 Link

08) Zoltan Nagy, Nikolaus Weiskopf, Daniel Alexander and Ralf Deichmann
A Method for Improving the Performance of Gradient Systems for Diffusion–Weighted MRI
Magnetic Resonance in Medicine (November 2007) Vol. 58:p763–768 Link

07) Påvel Lindberg, Pernille Skejø, Elisabeth Rounis, Zoltan Nagy, Christina Schmitz, Helena Wernegren, Annika Bring, Margareta Engardt, Hans Forssberg and Jörgen Borg
Wallerian Degeneration of the Corticofugal Tracts in Chronic Stroke: A pilot study relating diffusion tensor imaging, transcranial magnetic stimulation, and hand function
Neurorehabilitation and Neural Repair (Nov–Dec 2007), Vol. 21(6)p551–560 Link

06) Sandra Horsch, Boubou Hallberg, Kristin Leifsdottir, Béatrice Skiöld, Zoltan Nagy, Mikael Mosskin, Mats Blennow and Ulrika Ådén
Brain Abnormalities in Extremely Low Gestational Age Infants: a Swedish Population Based MRI Study
Acta Paediatrica (July 2007) Vol. 96:p979–984 Link

05) Zoltan Nagy, Katarina Lindström, Helena Westerberg, Stefan Skare, Jesper Andersson, Boubou Hallberg, Anders Lilja, Olof Flodmark, Hugo Lagercrantz, Torkel Klingberg and Elisabeth Fernell
Diffusion Tensor Imaging On Teenagers, Born At Term With Moderate Hypoxic Ischeamic Encephalopathy
Pediatric Research (November 2005) Vol. 58(5):p936–40 Link

04) Sara Bengtsson, Zoltan Nagy, Stefan Skare, Lea Forssman, Hans Forssberg and Fredrik Ullén
Extensive Piano Practicing Has Regionally Specific Effects On White Matter Development
Nature Neuroscience (September 2005) Vol. 8(9):p1148–50 Link

03) Zoltan Nagy, Helena Westerberg and Torkel Klingberg
Maturation of White Matter is Associated with the Development of Cognitive Functions During Childhood
Journal of Cognitive Neuroscience (September 2004) Vol. 16(7):p 1227–1233 Link

02) Pernille Olesen, Zoltan Nagy, Helena Westerberg and Torkel Klingberg
Combined Analysis of DTI and fMRI Data Reveals a Joint Maturation of White and Grey Matter in a Fronto–Parietal Network
Cognitive Brain Research (December 2003) Vol. 18(1):p 48–57 Link

01) Zoltan Nagy, Helena Westerberg, Stefan Skare, Jesper Andersson, Anders Lilja, Olof Flodmark, Elisabeth Fernell, Kirsten Holmberg, Birgitta Böhm, Hans Forssberg, Hugo Lagercrantz and Torkel Klingberg
Preterm Children Have Disturbances of White Matter At 11 Years of Age as Shown by Diffusion Tensor Imaging
Pediatric Research (November 2003) Vol. 54(5):p 672–679 Link


Weiterführende Informationen

Zoltan Nagy (PhD)

Head of MRI Physics