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Department of Economics

Johannes Buckenmaier

Research Interests

Behavioral and Experimental Economics, Stochastic Choice and Behavioral Biases, Stochastic Learning in Games and Markets, Social Choice, and Neuroeconomics


  1. Do Traders Learn to Select Efficient Market Institutions?
    (joint with Carlos Alós-Ferrer and Georg Kirchsteiger)
    Experimental Economics, 25, 2022, pp. 203-228.
  2. The Reinforcement Paradox: Monetary Incentives and Bayesian Updating
    (joint with Carlos Alós-Ferrer, Michele Garagnani and Alexander Ritschel)
    Economic Letters, 211, 2022.
  3. Cognitive Sophistication and Deliberation Times
    (joint with Carlos Alós-Ferrer)
    Experimental Economics, 24, 2021, pp. 558-592.
  4. Efficient Institutions and Effective Deterrence: On Timing and Uncertainty of Formal Sanctions
    (joint with Eugen Dimant, Ulrich Schmidt, and Ann-Christin Posten)
    Journal of Risk and Uncertainty, 62, 2021, pp. 177-201.
  5. The Experience is (Not) Everything: Sequential Outcomes and Social Decision-Making
    (joint with Eugen Dimant)
    Economics Letters, 205, 2021.
  6. When Are Efficient Conventions Selected in Networks?
    (joint with Carlos Alós-Ferrer and Federica Farolfi)
    Journal of Economic Dynamics and Control, 124, March 2021.
  7. Imitation, Network Size, and Efficiency
    (joint with Carlos Alós-Ferrer and Federica Farolfi)
    Network Science, 9 , 2021, pp. 123-133.
  8. Effects of Institutional History and Leniency on Collusive Corruption and Tax Evasion 
    (joint with Eugen Dimant and Luigi Mittone)
    Journal of Economic Behavior and Organization, 175, July 2020, pp. 296-313.
  9. Strongly Sincere Best Responses under Approval Voting and Arbitrary Preferences
    (joint with Carlos Alós-Ferrer)
    Games and Economic Behavior, 117, September 2019, pp. 388-401.
  10. Cournot vs. Walras: A Reappraisal through Simulations 
    (joint with Carlos Alós-Ferrer)
    Journal of Economic Dynamics and Control, 82, September 2017, pp. 257-272.
  11. Trader Matching and the Selection of Market Institutions 
    (joint with Carlos Alós-Ferrer)
    Journal of Mathematical Economics, 69, March 2017, pp. 118–127.

Submitted and Working Papers

  • Voting for Compromises: Alternative Voting Methods in Polarized Societies
    (joint with Carlos Alós-Ferrer)
    Revise and resubmit at Experimental Economics.
  • Why Is Choice Stochastic? Deliberate Randomization vs. Strength of Preference
    (joint with Carlos Alós-Ferrer, Michele Garagnani, and Aldo Rustichini)
  • The Determinants of the Disposition Effect: Aversion to Realize Losses or Belief in Mean-Reversion?
    (joint with Carlos Alós-Ferrer and Michele Garagnani)
  • Stochastic Choice and Preference Reversals
    (joint with Carlos Alós-Ferrer and Michele Garagnani)
    Working paper.

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