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Department of Economics

Research Output

Published Papers

Authors Title and Link Journal
Michael Bechtel, Dominik Hangartner and Lukas Schmid Does Compulsory Voting Increase Support for Leftist Policy? (PDF, 827 KB) (PDF, 807 KB) American Journal of Political Science, 60(3) (2016), 752-767
Sergey Nigai On Measuring the Welfare Gains from Trade under Consumer Heterogeneity (PDF, 1.02 MB) (PDF, 1000 KB) The Economic Journal, 126(593) (2016), 1193-1237
Peter Egger and Christian Keuschnigg Innovation, Trade, and Finance American Economic Journal: Microeconomics, 7(2) (2014), 121-57
Reto Föllmi, Tobias Wuergler and Josef Zweimüller The Macroeconomics of Model T (PDF, 355 KB) (PDF, 346 KB) Journal of Economic Theory 153 (2014), 617-647
Daniel Halter, Manuel Oechslin and Josef Zweimüller Inequality and Growth: The Neglected Time Dimension Journal of Economic Growth 19(1) (2014), 81-104
Hartmut Egger, Peter Egger and Udo Kreickemeier Trade, Wages, and Profits European Economic Review, 64(C) (2013), 332-350

Working Papers

Date Authors Title and Link
2015 Christian Kiedaisch Intellectual Property Rights in a Quality-Ladder Model with Persistent Leadership (PDF, 1.29 MB) (PDF, 1 MB)
2015 Reto Föllmi and Manuel Oechslin Harmful Pro-Competitive Effects of Trade in Presence of Credit Market Frictions (PDF, 324 KB) (PDF, 316 KB)
2015 Reto Föllmi, Stefan Legge and Alexa Tiemann Innovation and Trade in the Presence of Credit Constraints (PDF, 381 KB) (PDF, 372 KB)
2015 Christian Kiedaisch Intellectual Property Protection, non-homothetic Preferences, and Income Distribution (PDF, 1.22 MB) (PDF, 1 MB)
2014 Peter Egger and Michael Pfaffermayr Iterated Structural Estimation of Gravity Models with Market-Entry Dynamics (PDF, 467 KB) (PDF, 456 KB)
2014 Reto Föllmi and Manuel Oechslin Globalization and Productivity in the Developing World
2014 Reto Föllmi and Josef Zweimüller Is Inequality Harmful for Innovation and Growth? Price versus Market Size Effects (PDF, 217 KB) (PDF, 212 KB)
2014 Reto Föllmi and Isabel Martínez Volatile Top Income Shares in Switzerland? Reassessing the Evolution Between 1981 and 2008
2014 Reto Föllmi, Sandra Hanslin and Andreas Kohler A Dynamic North-South Model of Demand-Induced Product Cycles
2014 Simon Bösenberg, Peter Egger and Benedikt Rydzek Capital Taxation, Investment, Growth, and Welfare
2013 Reto Föllmi, Manuel Oechslin and Marc Zahner Inequality and Growth: Relying on Quantil Shares (PDF, 457 KB) (PDF, 446 KB)
2013 Christian Kiedaisch Optimal Patent Strength under Financial Constraints (PDF, 923 KB) (PDF, 901 KB)
2013 Benedikt Rydzek Trade effects of income inequality within and between countries (PDF, 466 KB) (PDF, 454 KB)
2013 Claudia Bernasconi and Tobias Wuergler Per Capita Income and the Quality and Variety of Imports (PDF, 636 KB) (PDF, 620 KB)
2013 Fabian Schnell Can Monetary Policy Delay the Reallocation of Capital?
2013 Andreas Kohler Income Distribution, Market Size, and Foreign Direct Investment (PDF, 1.19 MB) (PDF, 1 MB)
2013 Benedikt Rydzek The Effects of Trade and Endogenous Technological Change on the College Wage Gap and Unemployment (PDF, 771 KB) (PDF, 752 KB)
2013 Claudia Bernasconi Similarity of Income Distributions and the Extensive and Intensive Margin of Bilateral Trade Flows (PDF, 1.03 MB) (PDF, 1003 KB)
2013 Reto Föllmi, Christian Hepenstrick and Josef Zweimüller International Arbitrage and the Extensive Margin of Trade between Rich and Poor Countries (PDF, 962 KB) (PDF, 939 KB)
2012 Andreas Kohler Trade and Growth in an Unequal Global Economy
2012 Peter Egger and Sergey Nigai Asymmetric Trade Costs, Trade Imbalances, and the World Income Distribution (PDF, 595 KB) (PDF, 580 KB)

Published Papers Associated with the Project

AuthorsTitle and LinkJournal
Christian Hepenstrick and Alexander TarasovPer capita income and the extensive margin of bilateral tradeCanadian Journal of Economics (2015), forthcoming
Christian Hepenstrick and Alexander TarasovTrade Openness and Cross-country Income DifferencesReview of International Economics 23(2) (2015), 271–302

Working Papers Associated with the Project